


剧院设施 剧院设施

Located in 雪的大学's Eccles Center for the Performing Arts the Kim Christison Theatre is our primary space for main 阶段 productions. This welcoming 34'-wide proscenium gives student performers, designers, and technicians the chance to work on a professional-scale 阶段; learning the demands of a large house (550个座位), a deep back阶段, dozens of fly rails, and incorporated trap, and a hydraulically operated pit. 从我们的 first production in the space, 彼得·潘, to those just on the horizon, The 雪的大学 theatre department has always endeavored to use this beautiful venue to its utmost.

Because our philosophy is built upon the importance of the practical application of theatrical skills, students will find themselves upon this 阶段 early and often, wearing many different hats: actors, scenic painters, build and run crews, 阶段 management, light crew, designers and directors. It serves as the heartbeat of our program, and as such, we maintain its relevance and technology vigilantly. 我们向你保证,你 will set foot on this 阶段 and craft magic within your first few weeks at Snow.

Wheelchair seating is available in the front rows, with access from the lobby.


About the Kim Christison Theatre 
  • 大型前台舞台
  • Single purchase counterweight fly system
  • Mechanically adjusted orchestra pit
  • 550个座位
  • 3959平方英尺. 阶段


  • The Kim Christisen has 47 single purchase linesets, 2 manual operated traveler curtains (mid阶段 and up阶段), a winch driven first electric, and a hydraulic pit/apron lift that sinks to 11’ below 阶段 level. 栅格高度为50 '.
  • Velour masking, sky drop, scrims are available in our stock.
  • Lighting is from 3 front of house positions; 4 box boom positions, and 4 on阶段 electrics.
  • Lighting control distribution is dimmer per circuit (192 dimmers/circuits).
  • Available consoles include ETC Element. Lighting fixture inventory includes 300+ focusing units including ETC Source Four (various focal lengths), 2 LED Source Fours,
    14 Vivid-R LED down and cyc lighting.
  • 移动包括3 Mac 2000
  • Sound support is via booth racks containing distribution, equalization and effects processing with Crown amplifiers.
  • Sound mix is via a Midas M32 mixing console. Playback is available in any traditional medium, or as digital data from computer.
  • Speakers include options by RH and EV. Sound editing utilizes Adobe Creative Cloud Software and QLab run on Apple computers.
  • ETC Element with Dual Monitors
  • 200电路
  • 2 Front of House Lighting Positions
  • 4滚道电气
  • 6 Recessed Front of House Side Cove Positions
  • 6电路地板口袋
  • 4 .电路壁口袋
  • 阳台栏杆
  • Portable Lighting Ladders and Hanging Ladders
  • 跟随Spot展位
  • ETC Source 4 ERS lighting instruments
  • 10, 19, 26, 36, 50 degree barrel options
  • ETC源4光泽+ led
  • ETC Selador光泽led
  • Altman地面循环
  • 马丁·麦克2000
  • 广泛的Gel和Gobo库
  • Practical Lighting Décor Inventory
  • Large Special Effect Accessories Inventory





Found in the 雪的大学's Eccles Center for the Performing Arts, our flexible blackbox space adjusts to our program's needs. Highly adaptable, our second theatre, plays host to student-directed work, is home to our improv troupe, and serves as a working classroom for many of our courses. When the need arrises, it also acts as a venue for smaller, more intimate plays in our Main阶段 season. It is a excellent counterpoint to the Kim Christison Theatre, giving students a hands on appreciation of the range 可能找到的戏剧. With versatile seating and a 36’x48’ open floor plan, The Haslam is the ideal venue for non-traditional and new works staging configurations.

Wheelchair seating is available in the front rows, with access from the lobby.

About the Haslam Blackbox Theatre
  • Customizable seating arrangements
  • 可拆卸立管座
  • 滚动猫走系统
  • 2208平方英尺的舞台空间
  • 50 - 120个座位.
  • The Studio Theatre has two 18’ catwalks at 12' above 阶段 level that track for easy access to lighting instruments and various staging formats.
  • Above the lighting catwalk there is a 4' square matrix of rigging points for scenic 照明位置.
  • A control room overlooks the theatre and provides for all control functions.
  • Lighting control distribution is dimmer per circuit (98 dimmers/circuits).
  • Available console is the Expression 3. Lighting fixture inventory includes 300+ focusing units including ETC Source Four (various focal lengths).
  • Velour masking is trackable around the perimeter of the space.
  • Sound support is via booth racks containing distribution, equalization and effects processing with Crown amplifiers.
  • Sound mix is via a Soundcraft console. Playback is available in any traditional medium, or as digital data from computer.
  • Speakers include options by RH and EV. Sound editing utilizes Adobe Creative Cloud Software and QLab run on Apple computers.
  • ETC Expression 3 with Dual Monitors
  • 全覆盖照明网格
  • 2电路墙口袋 
  • 80电路
  • ETC Source 4 ERS lighting instruments
  • 19, 26, 36, 50 degree barrel options
  • Source 4 Parnel WFL Lighting Instruments
  • 广泛的Gel和Gobo库


实验室 & 教室

  • 设计实验室教室 - with drafting table and computer lab.
  • 服装商店 - with 15 sewing machines and storage.
  • 现场购物 - located adjacent to the Kim Christison Theatre.
  • 油漆店 - with 20' x 40' motorized paint frame.
  • 标准教室 - with fully integrated smart classroom technology. 
  • 更衣室(4) 两个大的,两个小的.
  • 演员休息室 - with live monitor to the Kim Christison Theatre.
  • 现场道具储存.
  • Off site costume and scenic storage.


  • 10制图表
  • Mac实验室
  • 完整的Microsoft Office套件.
  • Full suite of Adobe Creative Software
  • Vectorworks & CAD设计软件
  • 设计储物柜和橱柜
  • 便携式光实验室
  • 电视和媒体连接


剧院设施 剧院设施 剧院设施
剧院设施 剧院设施
  • 20x40 '电动油漆框架
  • 大型油漆槽
  • Collection of paint supplies, tools, and accessories
  • 学生储物柜
  • 15 '滚动脚手架单元


剧院设施 剧院设施